Extensive people search

Searching for Constituents > A Quick Summary

Rules of Thumb:

  • A phone number or email search is faster because it holds a unique form.
  • A search by Name and Address is longer because it scans the entirety of the database, so the less information you input, the broader the search will be.

To start searching for a constituent, select the Constituent Management tab from the Dashboard, look for Search for a Constituent. Ideally you can also just click the Constituents icon (little orange dude) that rests on top.

The Constituent Search window will open up;

Extensive Search

Sometimes you only have partial information (a first and last name) on a Constituent, that is when you can use the 'Extensive Search' option on our Constituent Search window. This will conduct a search, that may take time, to find all people.

This search option will look up nicknames, middle names, and names that are similar in nature. Extensive Search can generate the profiles of constituents even if you've input an old address on file, old addresses will appear with a green question mark next to them:

If the Search brings more than 50+ results, you will be provided with the ability to toggle between multiple pages of constituents that have similarities to your search.

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