How to Create a Walklist
How to Create a Walk List
CIMS provides an option to print out a walk list that you can give to a canvasser. This document is formatted to make it easy for your canvasser to walk up and down a street and gather much needed constituent information. Each constituent is bar-coded for quick data entry back into CIMS.
To create a walk list, select the Walk List functionality at the top.
Step 1 – Searching
Walk Lists are typically pulled based on Polls.
To select a Poll, click on the drop-down box and then select the Poll number. Click to merge the poll over to the right. The poll number(s) on the right are the poll(s) that will be included in the walk list. You can add or remove as many polls as you wish.
By default both sides of the street are included in the listing, if selecting the different options, one side of the street (even or odd) can be chosen.
You may wish to canvass a specific street without Poll specifications, you do so using the Advanced Criteria section.
To search by a street name, enter only the street name into the designated text box, and then click Search. Do not enter extra words such as Road, Crescent or Way. The results table will show the streets within the riding that match the name. Select the street(s) you want to canvass.
To search by postal code, select the Use Postal Code checkbox. Enter the postal code into the
Postal Code box, then click Search. The streets contained within that Postal Code will be displayed.
Step 2 – Targeting (Optional)
Click the Targeting tab at the top of the Generate Walk List window, as shown above. This section will allow you to create a Walk List targeted to supporters, non-supporters or accessible.
There are several target criteria that you can use, such as Household support. When targeting by support, CIMS looks at the number of a particular type of constituent in a household. To fill out the filter, select the type of constituent (i.e. supporters) and the minimum number that must be in the household for the household to be included in the filter.
Step 3 - Print Options (Optional)
There are several options that can be selected before printing the Walk List:
Group by Side Street: The Walk List can be split up so that odd sides and even sides of streets are printed on separate sheets of paper.
When all of your options are selected, click Generate Report.
Step 4 - Create Marketing Campaign
The Create Marketing Campaign form will be displayed, as shown above, fill in the Campaign Group and Type as shown.
Once filled out, the Walk List will process and be displayed for export.